
HAHAHA, do you want hell to be more or less?

To be honest, this world is hell.All human beings have been banished from paradise since they were born in this world, and they are destined to never return to the paradise created by God.Therefore, all human beings make the devil their on…


僕は僕。別に何者でもない。 他人様に偉そうに語る名前も実績も、生憎持ち合わせた覚えがとんとありません。 生来の風来坊気質でしてね、1つ所に留まり続けるのが苦手なんですよ。 ぶっちゃけちゃいますと、僕はムーミンで例えるなら スナフキンみたいな性…